Groupsize: 4
Role: Project Owner / Concept / Coder / UI
Development period: 20 weeks
Grade: 2.1 | 84/100 Points
Developed in Unity

The player starts as the exorcist Charles Lowell in the elevator of the Crimson Plaza Hotel in London in the year 1950. While riding up to the seventh floor, he reads a letter from the Exorcist Board. The letter mentions paranormal activities within the hotel that indicate the presence of a demon. A previous exorcist and several hotel guests have already disappeared, and now the player is tasked with taking over the case, investigating, and potentially exorcising the demon.
During the investigation of the hotel, the player repeatedly finds scraps of notes from the missing exorcist's logbook. In his search for the scattered scraps, the player must solve additional puzzles and learn a bit about the backgrounds of the vanished hotel guests.
Once all the notes are assembled, the player learns about the history of the hotel and how the demon came into existence. The clues also lead the player to a secret room where they find a box. The box once contained the demon, trapped many years ago, but over time, the seal weakened, allowing the demon to exert more influence in the real world.
As soon as the player touches the box, the demon takes control of their mind and leads them to the 13th floor, a fictional parallel world where the demon resides. There, the demon attempts to absorb the player, as it has done to others before, in order to grow stronger and finally escape its prison.
For the player, time starts ticking. To avoid dying in this realm, the player must find three personal belongings of the demon, bring them to the altar, and banish the demon back into its box. During the search on the 13th floor, time is against the player, and they grow weaker as more time passes. Additionally, the demon plays tricks on the player, trying to disrupt their progress.
Once the player has gathered the items, the demon is banished, and the player awakens from their trance. They find themselves back in the secret room and leave the hotel through the elevator.
First Person
PC game
Horror game
Emphasize on sound design
Compass room
The Compass Room is a puzzle that spans across multiple rooms. First, you need to find the Captain's book.

When you open the logbook, the player sees the marked directions: North - N, East - E, South - S, West - W

Then the player just needs to proceed to the Compass Room and knock on the marked walls in the correct chronological order to solve the puzzle.